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A cross between a best-selling strain known for its massive yields and a very potent legendary North Alaskan Indica that smells and tastes like chocolate, the resulting hybrid retains the desired properties of its progenitors. A medium-sized plant that produces copious amounts of resin, Punky Lion's not too bushy, has short internodes and a very thick central tail surrounded by a glacier of crystals. Buds sometimes even sprout from the central part of its leaves. A dark plant, she exudes a very sweet fragrance and tastes a bit citrusy. A perfect blend of great yields and excellent quality!
Genotype100% indica
Indoor Harvest Timefrom 50 to 55 days
FlavourNoble wood
Way of croppingInd/Out
Production600 gr/m2 indoor; up to 900 gr/plant outdoor
Resistance to moldVery high
Outdoor Harvest Timelate September
Resistance to plaguesVery high
LineageMatanuska Tundra x Chronic
Irrigation tolerancyVery high
Medicinal valueVery high