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Afghan Kush Ryder is a cross between Afghan Kush and Ruderalis. Our Afghan Kush comes from Kush strains with 100% Indica genes cultivated in a small area in the Hindu Kush mountains in Northern Pakistan. This cross is a good example of Cannabis Ruderalis, which, over the generations, has been crossed and re-crossed to produce a strain with Indica characteristics and autoflowering genetic programming. Afghan Kush Ryder can be grown indoors or outside and can reach 80-90cm or even higher. As flowering does not depend on photoperiodism, she can be grown at any time of the year although yields improve the better the environmental conditions. For indoor growing we recommend a 20/4 light/dark cycle throughout. A good tip for outdoor growing is to plant out as soon as the good weather starts then repeat a few days before harvesting the first crop to give two good harvests a year. Some growers do more, though owing to the less favourable conditions, these crops tend to be less productive. The effect is extremely potent, so relaxing that it's almost narcotic, which is why the medicinal value is so high. The taste and aroma, like its predecessor, Afghan Kush, evoke the best very aromatic Afghan hash. GenotypeMainly indica THC22% Indoor Harvest Timefrom 45 to 55 days FlavourAnise Way of croppingInd/Out Production250 - 350 gr/m indoor / 25 - 35 gr/plant outdoor SmellHigh EffectMedicinal Resistance to moldHigh Outdoor Harvest TimeAutomatic (45-55 days) Resistance to plaguesHigh SexFeminized Lineageafghan kush / rudelaris Irrigation tolerancyHigh Medicinal valueVery high